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Personal stats

1  Gorkey
Last talked: Today 8:39
Visits: 31
Status: Operator
Lines: 27714
Days active: 187/340
Average lines per day: 148
Average letters per line: 64.6
Opped people 627 times
Has kicked out 3 people
Number of descriptions: 251
Topics set: 35
CAPS ratio: 1.9%
Question ratio: 8.4%
Exclamation ratio: 2.9%
4 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Yesterday 16:59<Gorkey> The British scientist joked he was lucky the pope didn't realize he had already presented a paper at the gathering suggesting how the universe was created.
16:59<Gorkey> "I didn't fancy the thought of being handed over to the Inquisition like Galileo," Hawking said in a lecture to a sold-out audience at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
21:28<Gorkey> hehe
Today 8:39<Gorkey> mORNIN boyscared
8:39<Gorkey> oops caps suck
2 kermit
Last talked: 21.2 7:45
Visits: 393
Status: Operator
Lines: 21673
Days active: 142/340
Average lines per day: 153
Average letters per line: 53.0
Opped people 7 times
Number of descriptions: 257
Topics set: 5
CAPS ratio: 0.8%
Question ratio: 8.2%
Exclamation ratio: 4.3%
7 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
21.2 7:44<kermit> (07:43:46) boyscared: he wants you guys to talk about libertarianism more
7:45<kermit> but fuck anyone who doesnt want to hear about gorkey's cat, this is gorkey's personal channel! there are like, web forums n stuff, for talking about that libertarianism stuff
7:45*** kermit has left #libertarian
13.4 18:26*** kerm1t has joined #libertarian
18:33*** kerm1t has left #libertarian (Leaving)
29.5 0:23*** kerm|t has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
21:43*** kerm|t has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
3 pho|
Last talked: Yesterday 22:15
Visits: 128
Status: Operator
Lines: 16746
Days active: 148/340
Average lines per day: 113
Average letters per line: 43.9
Opped people 19 times
Number of descriptions: 132
Topics set: 9
Question ratio: 5.9%
Exclamation ratio: 2.6%
4 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Yesterday 22:12<pho|> true, there is a big difference between a single image, and a video being doctored, is my point
22:15<pho|> actually the guys jumping the fence were real, its bush that doctored in
22:15<pho|> then again, he looks that fake everywhere
4 Nelle
Last talked: Yesterday 22:20
Visits: 216
Status: Operator
Lines: 9339
Days active: 137/340
Average lines per day: 68
Average letters per line: 39.2
Opped people 6 times
Has been kicked out 1 times
Number of descriptions: 207
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 7.3%
2 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Yesterday 21:28<Nelle> yes, yes, real, that's what I was thinking
21:28<Nelle> haha
21:28<Nelle> Wait...no! That other thing, tedious
22:14<Nelle> No? Fake? Pshh
22:20<Nelle> haha!
5 mikrozero
Last talked: 14.6 20:54
Visits: 485
Status: Operator
Lines: 9212
Days active: 134/340
Average lines per day: 69
Average letters per line: 45.8
Opped people 1 times
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 45
Topics set: 65
Question ratio: 14%
Exclamation ratio: 2.4%
4 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
14.6 20:54<mikrozer0> o/~ BIG
20:54<mikrozer0> o/~ FUCKIN CHICKEN
20:54<mikrozer0> you know that commercial?
21:10*** mikrozer0 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Yesterday 16:44*** mikrozer0 has joined #libertarian
Today 5:57*** mikrozer0 has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
6 Sarberus
Last talked: Yesterday 22:12
Visits: 646
Status: Operator
Lines: 6817
Days active: 194/340
Average lines per day: 35
Average letters per line: 45.0
Has kicked out 2 people
Has been kicked out 4 times
Number of descriptions: 172
Topics set: 9
Question ratio: 15%
Exclamation ratio: 2.2%
11 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Yesterday 21:45<Sarberus> yeah, looks photoshopped
22:12<Sarberus> well, "photoshop" doesn't refer to just photoshop software anymore.
23:37*** Sarberus has quit IRC (Quit: Dumb Annoying Joke Goes Here)
7 Varaness
Last talked: 20.2 17:01
Visits: 29
Status: Operator
Lines: 3449
Days active: 15/340
Average lines per day: 230
Average letters per line: 28.0
Number of descriptions: 152
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 3.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
20.2 16:31*** Varaness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
16:35*** Varaness has joined #libertarian
17:01<Varaness> :)
17:01<Varaness> i will be around next time you guys need me
21.2 21:45*** Varaness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
21:48*** Varaness has joined #libertarian
22.2 11:48*** Varaness has quit IRC (Quit)
26.2 6:33*** Varaness has joined #libertarian
27.2 7:18*** Varaness has left #libertarian
8 TheSpeaker
Last talked: 12.6 2:58
Visits: 57
Status: Operator
Lines: 2334
Days active: 47/340
Average lines per day: 50
Average letters per line: 40.9
Opped people 8 times
Has kicked out 2 people
Number of descriptions: 11
Topics set: 22
CAPS ratio: 1.5%
Question ratio: 8.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
11.6 23:59*** TheSpeaker has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
12.6 0:01*** TheSpeaker has joined #libertarian
1:02<TheSpeaker> morning all
2:58<TheSpeaker> wb boy
14.6 6:22*** TheSpeaker has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
9 Kyth
Last talked: 9.6 0:38
Visits: 72
Status: Operator
Lines: 1449
Days active: 56/340
Average lines per day: 26
Average letters per line: 33.6
Number of descriptions: 29
Topics set: 2
Question ratio: 11%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
9.6 0:35<Kyth> unless you get drunk from lack of sleep
0:35<Kyth> although I 9 hours last night and its only 10:30pm
0:38<Kyth> wow
0:38<Kyth> I'd have passed out
23:15*** Kyth has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
23:15*** Kyth has joined #libertarian
10.6 3:46*** Kyth has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
3:47*** Kyth has joined #libertarian
4:35*** Kyth has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
10 prawcess
Last talked: Yesterday 21:24
Visits: 82
Status: Operator
Lines: 1361
Days active: 40/340
Average lines per day: 34
Average letters per line: 24.1
Opped people 3 times
Has kicked out 2 people
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 12
Topics set: 3
CAPS ratio: 4.3%
Question ratio: 7.9%
Exclamation ratio: 3.2%
4 nicknames used
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Yesterday 1:36*** prawcess has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
2:03*** prawcess has joined #libertarian
4:03*** prawcess has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
4:07*** prawcess has joined #libertarian
13:12<prawcess> .....
13:12<prawcess> cornjobs
18:43*** prawcess has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
18:45*** prawcess has joined #libertarian
20:41*** prawcess has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:55*** prawcess has joined #libertarian
21:24<prawcess> thats so
21:24<prawcess> real.

Top 4 slappers

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 FSTV  3 28.11.2005 3:26 "* FSTV slaps mnvibe around a bit with a large trout"
2 Sarberus  2 20.4 23:32 "* Sarberus slaps Darah's ass super hard"
3 Nelle  2 19.1 20:11 "* Nelle slaps Gorkey"
4 neglesaks  2 27.4 11:38 "* neglesaks slaps neglesaks around a bit with a large trout"

Top 20 smiley using guys on #libertarian

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 kermit  891 5.2 23:55 "he is a politician ;)"
2 Nelle  167 10.2 17:49 "What the heck are you talking about, I *love* personal responsibility - which is why everyone should
leave the decisiion to me, and I'll hold myself accountable :)"
3 pho|  166 10.12.2005 22:06 "kermit: i doubt i could score with nelle :)"
4 Gorkey  69 6.1 8:58 "and, finially, he could just be lying to try to get you to be more lax in the future :D"
5 boyscared  68 28.1 14:40 "she was acting that way only for you, kermit :)"
6 mnvibe  56 28.11.2005 1:31 ":)"
7 Varaness  47 5.2 20:53 "hi :)"
8 Kyth  41 10.12.2005 22:09 "but I still think the meaning of life is girls :D"
9 TheSpeaker  37 26.4 2:38 ";)"
10 Varange  30 1.3 21:44 "gork_hp, they're trying to survive :) As they should"
11 e-tourist  26 16.1 2:17 "a taiwaneese travel agent.. sweet i'm learning about the world doubletime :)"
12 peterre  21 4.4 9:28 "a long long time ago :)"
13 R-800  20 1.11.2005 5:27 "Oh, there you are. :)"
14 Guedo  16 12.12.2005 22:33 "Jello Kermit :)"
15 mikrozero  15 20.4 21:28 "driver="oracle for orahome92";server="tisp";database="??""
16 xst  13 1.3 23:15 ":)"
17 neglesaks  11 31.3 12:37 "thguht abotu that too :)"
18 darah  11 12.4 22:04 "hi sarb :)"
19 Bllacky  10 29.4 14:59 "Alnitak :D"
20 teralaser  7 12.2 15:32 ":D"

TOP 20 greeting people

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 peterre  97 9.4 5:08 "hi again"
2 Sarberus  83 10.12.2005 20:38 "hello :-)"
3 boyscared  33 4.2 9:42 "hello gays"
4 kermit  27 7.1 19:28 "hi Sarberus"
5 Nelle  15 27.12.2005 16:39 "hi kermit, Sarb"
6 Varange  12 1.3 21:32 "hi again"
7 lIBERTY^  11 22.12.2005 10:03 "hello folks"
8 Gorkey  11 6.4 8:45 "Good morning folks"
9 darah  9 24.4 19:20 "hi"
10 daYDreAmErX  8 17.12.2005 16:14 "Hi kermit"
11 Varaness  7 14.2 8:31 "hi :)"
12 pho|  7 4.2 16:05 "good morning"
13 lIBERTY  6 31.12.2005 19:16 "hi folks"
14 FSTV  6 9.8.2005 22:38 "hi kermit"
15 [Shaun]  6 8.1 22:58 "hi kermit"
16 |ora  5 8.1 16:49 "hi west wind"
17 Tina18  5 11.8.2005 6:52 "hi folks!"
18 Podkayne  4 6.1 22:12 "hi bye"
19 snorky  3 12.11.2005 17:54 "hi Sarberus! hey kermit!"
20 Shaun  3 4.1 17:29 "hi kermit"

Top 4 stats freaks

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Gorkey  3 16.3 3:17 "I have to finish this damn bookmarks project -- and then I think I'll pick up the IRC log stats / search
2 pho|  2 5.1 10:03 "dammit i cant any stats on UV for metal halide, other than you can buy MH UV-only bulbs"
3 mikrozero  2 1.3 20:59 "what kind of video card stats should i be looking for with most games in mind?"
4 kermit  2 8.1 19:03 "wtf http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/609/34.html"

#libertarian's cool guys

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 kermit  222 13.12.2005 19:13 "should the compilation cd remain anonymous? im thinking after the fact it'd be cool to know, just
not during.."
2 Gorkey  169 3.2 7:41 "But .. that reply is just "cooler" lol"
3 pho|  81 31.1 23:18 "sometimes i dont even care what the qualifier does, and just use it cuz it looks cool, like ... private
String Parts()"
4 mikrozero  62 2.4 20:54 "http://www.k-bid.com/ <-----look gorkey..that is cool"
5 Varaness  13 7.2 3:33 "cool..."
6 Nelle  13 12.12.2005 19:26 "Adobe Cool Edit Pro?"
7 vyking  6 6.3 23:49 "shitloads of giant danios look cool too... love watching them, back and forth back and forth"
8 |ora  5 8.1 20:32 "but if it's not mandatory but just another alternative form of getting an education....i think ppl would
be cool about it"
9 TheSpeaker  5 5.6 18:04 "I was talking with the I.T. manager at my old job, and he was telling me how much cooler the AMD's
10 neglesaks  5 22.4 7:55 "dammit. they've changed it in the 2006 eidtion. it doesn't look so cool anymore :("
11 Gork_HP  5 27.11.2005 18:11 "there are very cool young chicks I know 2 that are 21 (if that counts as young)"
12 prawcess  4 30.1 2:18 "which i thought was really cool"
13 mnvibe  4 29.11.2005 22:32 "thats cool"
14 Insurgent  4 12.12.2005 3:32 "cool--how did that go?"
15 Varange  3 1.3 21:45 "pho|, http://babes.coolios.net"
16 rtav  3 1.2 16:26 "I want to be entitled "Comptroller" because I think it sounds cool, is that a problem?"
17 RevBrown  3 16.3 17:57 "mikrozer0, sounds pretty cool. I built a little two wheeled "stepper" motor based bot back in HS"
18 e-tourist  3 15.1 20:57 "blacks people are cool"
19 Dianora  3 1.3 21:14 "I understand people who use windows on the desktop. It's cool with me."
20 boyscared  3 28.1 13:35 "that adware makes them officially not cool in my opinion :)"

Big Numbers

Sarberus couldn't decide whether to come or go and joined #libertarian 646 times during this reporting period...
kermit liked talking about themself - 257 descriptions altogether.
 [15 19:48.56] * kermit takes some random drugs
Sarberus didn't take "no" for an answer and ended up getting kicked out 4 times.
 [30 21:29.21] <Sarberus> so I see
[30 22:03.05] * Sarberus was kicked by Sarberus (scared shitless)

darah was thrown out just 3 times.

Gorkey knew those right words and said "Stats" for 3 times.
Gorkey distributed 627 ops, more than anyone else.

RonPaul couldn't handle the responsibility and had to be deopped 12 times.
Gorkey seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 461 times...

Runner-up auto-chatter: kermit - was caught talking to themself 423 times.

 [13 01:25.20] <Gorkey> , SUM(rf.AMOUNT) AS AMOUNT
10.2.2006 19:24 - 19:36 was a busy time for #libertarian - 9 people active
Active during these 12 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 Varaness, Nelle, pho|, kermit, mikrozero, Gorkey, vyking, R-800, Rissy

Friends in #libertarian

People who talk most to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Gorkeykermit 1 Gorkeykermit
2 Gorkeypho| 2 GorkeyNelle
3 pho|kermit 3 Gorkeypho|
4 pho|Varaness 4 pho|kermit
5 Varanesskermit 5 Gorkeyboyscared
6 GorkeySarberus 6 boyscaredkermit
7 GorkeyVaraness 7 Nellekermit
8 Sarberuskermit 8 Nellepho|
9 Sarberuspho| 9 Gorkeymikrozero
10 TheSpeakerpho| 10 mikrozeropho|
11 TheSpeakerSarberus 11 Varanesskermit
12 Nellepho| 12 cykroskermit
13 kermitrtav 13 DianoraGorkey
14 pho|prawcess 14 kermitlIBERTY^
15 Gorkeye-tourist 15 GorkeyVaraness

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Gorkeypho| 1 Gorkeypho|
2 Gorkeykermit 2 GorkeyNelle
3 pho|kermit 3 Gorkeykermit
4 GorkeyNelle 4 Gorkeymikrozero
5 Gorkeymikrozero 5 kermitpho|
6 Nellekermit 6 GorkeySarberus
7 Sarberuskermit 7 Nellekermit
8 Gorkeyrtav 8 Nellepho|
9 Nellepho| 9 Nellemikrozero
10 mikrozeropho| 10 Sarberuskermit
11 mikrozeroNelle 11 Sarberusmikrozero
12 pho|rtav 12 mikrozeropho|
13 kermitmikrozero 13 mikrozerokermit
14 Varanesspho| 14 NelleSarberus
15 boyscaredkermit 15 Sarberuspho|

Activity distribution

7/2005 - 6/2006

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
4 (1.2%)
1 (0.3%)
7 (2.1%)
7 (2.1%)
12 (3.5%)
11 (3.2%)
15 (4.4%)
26 (7.6%)
36 (11%)
175 (51%)
45 (13%)


1 / 2006
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
2 / 2006
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28
3 / 2006
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
4 / 2006
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
5 / 2006
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
6 / 2006
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16


7 / 2005
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
8 / 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
9 / 2005
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
10 / 2005
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
11 / 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
12 / 2005
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

Most used words

Count Word Last used by At
1547 "something" GorkServ 9.6 9:57
1534 "because" pho| Yesterday 1:28
1080 "someone" Gorkey 12.6 23:04
1032 "probably" GorkServ 9.6 6:52
898 "actually" pho| Yesterday 22:15
748 "anything" prawcess 12.6 23:06
701 "without" mikrozero 14.6 17:18
684 "government" mikrozero 12.6 21:29
669 "channel" pho| Yesterday 15:47
652 "thought" Gorkey Yesterday 16:59

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
1982 "Gorkey" Durendal 9.6 20:28
1470 "kermit" Sarberus 22.4 22:19
1445 "pho" TripnBallz 9.6 6:54
1175 "Nelle" GorkServ 9.6 9:08
891 "Sarberus" prawcess 14.6 2:20

Who has their own private vocabulary?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
396 Gorkey "Susp_Date"(13), "tachyon"(7), "encoded"(6), "Flordia"(5), "afterall"(8), "relates"(4),
"beetles"(4), "cleanup"(4), "deviant"(3), "Sapphire"(3), "frontpage"(3), "indicating"(5), ...
152 kermit "thintgs"(9), "extreem"(5), "prodcut"(3), "extreemly"(9), "goa/psy"(3), "mauritius"(8),
"brokerage"(7), "inspiron"(3), "cybersex"(3), "showerhead"(9), "amending"(3), ...
87 pho| "alchohol"(14), "anyting"(8), "poerson"(4), "gordian"(3), "emulate"(3), "anomoly"(3),
"brocolli"(3), "dreadful"(3), "landmark"(3), "tarballs"(3), "catapult"(3), "philosphy"(4), ...
42 mikrozero "caption"(5), "staples"(4), "arrests"(3), "Ferguson"(4), "sub/doms"(3), "it..and"(4),
"excersize"(4), "detectors"(4), "examiners"(3), "employeed"(3), "beheading"(3), ...
36 Nelle "But...I"(10), "crochet"(3), "lending"(3), "dom/sub"(3), "co-workers"(11), "But...it"(8),
"god...I"(4), "mean...I"(5), "And...if"(4), "hrmm...I"(4), "interupter"(3), "professions"(4), ...
32 Sarberus "yerself"(7), "yuppers"(6), "Cypress"(5), "Seagate"(4), "FoxNews"(4), "dipshit"(4),
"Gorkeym"(3), "#KickMe"(3), "Lebanon"(3), "mininum"(3), "Carolina"(5), "Limbaugh"(4), ...
19 TheSpeaker "Chi-coms"(16), "Politik"(5), "machete"(5), "sixpack"(4), "soviets"(3), "willful"(3),
"Moussawi"(4), "shithole"(3), "admittedly"(5), "adventurist"(7), "Invincible"(3), ...
19 Varaness "kermit..i"(12), "redwoods"(3), "oh..lol"(4), "lympatic"(3), "podcasts"(3), "lol..ok"(4),
"yes..it"(4), "lol..it"(3), "lol..he"(3), "no..the"(3), "no..lol"(3), "LOL...i"(3), "pho..lol"(3), ...
9 rtav "adrenal"(4), "acccess"(4), "impulse"(3), "plurality"(3), "hypotheses"(3), "landowners"(3),
"nickelback"(3), "proletariat"(4), "non-conversational"(4)
6 peterre "Addison"(6), "pension"(3), "marginal"(3), "colleague"(4), "supermoney"(5),

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
372 Gorkey and kermit "debated"(8), "centers"(7), "airtime"(4), "Jeremey"(3), "bottled"(3), "enhanced"(5),
"recurring"(8), "twinlink"(3), "Wildlife"(3), "adequately"(7), "carribian"(3), "extention"(3), ...
246 Gorkey and pho| "restore"(6), "censors"(4), "nightly"(3), "duality"(3), "resorted"(5), "momentum"(4),
"atlantis"(4), "cinnamon"(3), "prepares"(3), "featured"(3), "advances"(3), "mythology"(5), ...
128 Gorkey and mikrozero "consultant"(17), "weighed"(4), "cancers"(3), "umbrella"(6), "dumbing"(3), "dialing"(3),
"skeleton"(4), "weighted"(4), "wrappers"(3), "attained"(3), "embracing"(5), ...
97 Gorkey and Nelle "borrower"(15), "hehehehehe"(22), "broccoli"(13), "Overlay"(7), "sandals"(6),
"rubbing"(6), "blitzed"(4), "chained"(4), "plowing"(3), "pounced"(3), "schooled"(3), ...
97 kermit and pho| "blinker"(5), "wishing"(4), "muppets"(3), "mutually"(3), "impatient"(6), "dissapear"(5),
"deceptive"(5), "invariably"(6), "senseless"(3), "fractions"(3), "charities"(3), ...
74 Gorkey and Sarberus "certian"(13), "Monarch"(5), "buckets"(4), "gateways"(6), "thorugh"(3), "boundry"(3),
"BinLaden"(4), "markedly"(4), "enclosures"(9), "pervasive"(5), "agregated"(3), ...
46 Gorkey and Gork_HP "naitive"(23), "fallacy"(19), "avaliable"(21), "finially"(11), "lololol"(7), "bologna"(6),
"mucking"(3), "creators"(5), "BELEIVED"(5), "rhetoric"(4), "smoothly"(3), "opensource"(9), ...
42 kermit and Sarberus "refering"(37), "statism"(9), "founder"(6), "prefered"(9), "refered"(4), "flexable"(5),
"resturant"(4), "examining"(4), "#political"(7), "dinkytown"(4), "districts"(3), ...
42 kermit and Nelle "mailing"(9), "governs"(3), "indiana"(3), "bangers"(3), "chanserv"(5), "numbered"(4),
"envelope"(4), "diamonds"(3), "realizes"(3), "butternut"(4), "unibomber"(4), "irrelevent"(6), ...
37 Gorkey and rtav "supress"(6), "cosmetic"(9), "estimation"(14), "contend"(4), "compute"(3), "carpets"(3),
"Socrates"(6), "labelled"(3), "asserting"(6), "reconcile"(6), "hyperbole"(3), ...

URL Tracking

50 latest URLs from #libertarian

At URL Nick
Yesterday 21:12http://www.break.com/index/theboarderpatrol.htmlSarberus
14.6 17:13http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060614/ts_nm/environment_flights_dcmikrozer0
13.6 18:28http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060613/ap_on_re_us/atlanta_ex_mayormikrozer0
12.6 21:25http://www.zefrank.com/theshow/#Sarberus
10.6 10:11http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/discrimination/pdf/everyday-fears-080805.pdfmikrozero
9.6 19:20http://www.mises.org/story/2181Gorkey
 First mentioned by bauerZ on 9.6 11:16.
8.6 23:17http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/06/08/D8I4BSA00.htmlKyth
 First mentioned by TheSpeaker on 5.6 20:03.

 First mentioned by TheSpeaker on 8.6 19:17.
 First mentioned by kermit on 28.12.2005.
7.6 11:28http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0423514/TripnBallz
5.6 21:50http://www.bbvforums.org/forums/messages/1954/23148.html?1144722246Sarberus
 First mentioned by FSTV on 6.12.2005. Used 19 times.
 First mentioned by Gorkey on 5.6 19:35.
3.6 3:00http://prisonplanet.com/articles/june2006/020606Dow.htmJanHuss-
2.6 22:09http://www.oldamericancentury.org/election_20041.htmSarberus
1.6 1:15http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/05/31/third.arm.ap/index.htmlSarberus
31.5 19:31http://prisonplanet.com/articles/june2006/010606neoconlie.htmSarberus
30.5 7:57http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTMSyvfSBLcGorkey
29.5 18:57http://prisonplanet.com/articles/may2006/290506Memorial.htm
 First mentioned by JanHuss- on 29.5 11:38.
28.5 23:34http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IndigentSarberus
26.5 0:35http://www.markfiore.com/animation/long.htmlSarberus

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1vb.net 21Gorkey7.12.2005 18:57
2gorknet.org 19FSTV6.12.2005 18:30
3lp.org 18ol`swampy13.8.2005 20:58
4ess.tv 17Nelle5.12.2005 23:23
5mises.org 11kermit1.11.2005 6:04
6http://laptop.gorknet.org/serendipity/ 10Sarberus24.11.2005 14:08
7mail.gorknet.org 9Dianora7.3 22:51
8http://www.google.com/ 9kermit22.12.2005 2:51
9cnn.com 7Sarberus6.9.2005 2:50
10http://www.gorknet.org/test.html 6Gorkey8.3 16:17
11http://laptop.gorknet.org/serendipity/index.php?/arch... 5Gorkey5.1 19:35
12http://www.liberterran.org/ 5kermit25.12.2005 9:03
13laptop2.gorknet.org 5Gorkey24.12.2005 3:26
14irc.undernet.org 5kermit9.12.2005 1:26
15http://www.lp.org/issues/issues.shtml 5Sarberus29.11.2005 22:46
16http://www.zefrank.com/theshow/ 4Gorkey25.4 22:50
17http://www.gorknet.org/bookmarks/ 4Gorkey9.3 19:02
18145.36.160.216.in-addr.arpa 4Dianora8.3 10:38
19ns2.dreamhost.com 4Dianora4.3 11:21
20forex.com 4pho|6.2 2:08
21amazon.com 4Varaness4.2 20:09
22http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/2691965/detail.htm... 4Gorkey1.2 12:26
23http://www.gorknet.org/images/Renae_23.jpg 4Gorkey18.1 19:29
24http://oth.net/laraun3.jpg 4kermit18.1 12:06
25http://www.workforall.org/html/faq_en.html 4kermit11.1 11:59
26http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html 4Basileus7.1 21:36
27http://myspace-687.vo.llnwd.net/00374/78/68/37465... 4kermit22.12.2005 1:01
28pandora.com 4kermit7.12.2005 20:39
29lewrockwell.com 4R-8001.11.2005 6:07
30http://www.lpmn.org/ 4kermit8.9.2005 1:39
31http://www.gorknet.org/statistics/lt/ 3Gorkey29.3 22:54
32http://www.gorknet.org/images/forexample.jpg 3Gorkey29.3 22:50
33http://www.gorknet.org/media/PnT_GunControl_Clip.avi 3Gorkey15.3 20:55
34in-addr.arpa 3Dianora8.3 10:39
35http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/mail.ch?domain=gork... 3pho|7.3 22:44
36http://www.dnsstuff.com/ 3Dianora4.3 11:24
37http://www.dailyreckoning.com/Issues/2006/DRUS0... 3Varange1.3 23:28
38overstock.com 3mikrozero1.3 20:56
39mikrozero.is-a-geek.com 3Gorkey28.2 18:46
40http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article... 3Sarberus22.2 22:29
41http://www.mises.org/fullstory.aspx?control=1595 3Gorkey21.2 12:39
42http://mikrozero.is-a-geek.com/tiffany 3mikrozero16.2 20:52
43http://www.gorknet.org/Hair 3Gorkey13.2 15:05
44http://mikrozero.is-a-geek.com/bookz 3mikrozero11.2 23:11
45http://www.ihhp.com/quiz.htm 3kermit6.2 22:04
46http:// 3pho|4.2 2:58
47http://www.jeffvail.net/ 3kermit31.1 14:49
48http://news.com.com/Create 3kermit28.1 5:54
49http://www.mises.org/story/2007 3kermit27.1 13:00
50http://trunks.secondfoundation.org/files/psychic.swf 3kermit21.1 21:49

25 random URLs
At URL First used by
22.4 21:22http://www.indybay.org/news/2006/04/1814452.phpSarberus
12.4 22:04http://www.startribune.com/1592/story/367226.htmlSarberus
7.4 16:45http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,190970,00.html
 Used 2 times.
5.4 8:06http://www.storewars.org/flash/index.htmlpeterre
26.3 23:24http://www.fingercots.net/yahoo/orange_industrial_grade_finger_cots.htmlSarberus
1.3 0:20http://www.bettydodson.com/cuntmon.htmvyking
21.2 12:40http://www.marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2004/09/monetary_econo...
13.2 23:20xu4.sourceforge.netpho|
10.2 1:26http://dllab.caltech.edu/avida/Varaness
9.2 22:30http://www.rism.org/isg/dlp/ganja/analyses/ndsm725.htmlmikrozero
9.2 2:37http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/02/11/cosmic.portrait/index.htmlGorkey
6.2 1:54http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_arbitragekermit
1.2 12:42http://images.ibsys.com/2005/1116/5338915.jpgGorkey
31.1 17:59http://deoxy.org/endwork.htm
 Used 2 times.
26.1 0:06http://www.wikiporn.org/mediawiki-1.4.7/index.php/Main_Pagekermit
25.1 2:33http://oth.net/p1x/people/efnet-svety-svetnalana-hangs_at_trippyyyys_place.jpgkermit
25.1 2:33http://www.gorknet.org/images/todd2.jpgGorkey
20.1 21:57wikisource.orgkermit
10.1 20:07http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5788214556719185207&q=katamariGorkey
10.1 19:45http://www.gorknet.org/images/baloons-lrg.jpgGorkey
7.1 23:47http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/224A4HL95UUQ2kermit
6.1 18:19http://www.flashyourrack.com/flash.cgi?user=bubbasrackmikrozero
25.12.2005 17:02http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&frie...
28.11.2005 1:41http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DiatomGorkey
17.7.2005 3:10http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism
 Used 3 times.

2623 unique URLs collected since 13.7.2005

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