What is Gorknet.org

Gorknet.org, is an ever-changing testing ground for my concepts and applications, as well as the legitimate face to my evil empire. Throughout the years I have hosted colocated sites, provided mirrioring and off-site storage services and been a stable free e-mail gateway for nearly 300 of my closest friends and colleagues (none of them spammers).

This page is a launching grounds for most of the various different projects I'm working on or using at the moment. In here you will find tools, applications, ongoing and possibly broken projects, opinions, and personal information for spam bots to scrape out and harass me with. The Blog is going to have opinions about computers, politics and religion and viewing it without a sense of humor and adventure is strongly discouraged.

If you miss the old, static, faux directory listing page you can still find it at the root of laptop.gorknet.org although that server has been wrapped into this one and still running Apache.

Pages on this site, although they now all are served off the same box, utilize IIS, Apache, ASP, .Net, PHP, Javascript, CSS, MySql, Sql Server, Python, and Perl. This was a bit of a trick to accomplish as Windows Server is not all too friendly with running multiple Port 80 webservers and having multiple network cards with different gateways. There's a blog entry or two about how I managed to set this up.

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to have a look around.
  -- Christopher

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Site News


Got this main launch page up. I'm still missing the links to the bookmarks page. That may take some doing. There are also a few other links that don't yet go anywhere because they are ongoing projects.

The organizer is a vb.Net and MySql project to simply just organize some of my tasks as reminders instead of leaving post-it notes all over my desk.

IRC still needs some work as it's just a quick install and will need some finesse.

My resume page will need to be updated some and the layout and visual style of the page also updated. This is a back-burner project.

The family page is a stub for a C# application with SQL 2005 as a gateway for family information and probably some limited services for family members.

I'm still scratching my head over the bookmarks page. That one doesn't link at all right now. I first have to organize the hundreds of bookmarks that I have, and then I have to figure out a good way that the server can just steal them from my workstation to update the page. I'd like to get this done soon, but we'll see.

Another project on the near horizon is simply installing a current version of Webalizer for site statistics.

The Sys Admin section is only accessable with Internet Explorer and from my local domain. The latter may change some time, but anyone else reading this need not be concerned about it anyway.


For a future implementation, I hope to get a decent webmail system up and running. This is a far-off goal right now as GMail is awfully convenient.

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